1. The undergraduate study program lasts for a period of 3.5-4 years or 7-8 semesters
  2. The maximum study period for international relations undergraduates is 7 years or 14 semesters
  3. The minimum credits to graduate from the IR undergraduate program is 144 credits
  4. The IR Study Program curriculum uses the Freedom of Learning-Independent Campus (FLIC) curriculum oriented to Outcome Based Education (OBE), students are given the opportunity to choose:
    1. Normal study: students take all courses offered by the IR study program
    2. Independent Campus: Students take 20 credits of learning in another study program at the same university, and 20-40 credits or 2 semesters of learning outside the university through internships.
  5. Students can choose elective courses which are arranged based on 6 fields of study in International Relations Studies, namely
    • Foreign Policy & Diplomacy;
    •  Global Governance;
    •  Global Politics;
    •  Global Security;
    •  Global Political Economy;
    •  Intercultural Relations
  6. Graduation requirements for international relations students are:
    1. Final assignment in the form of a research-based thesis or scientific article as a substitute for a thesis in an accredited national journal (minimum Sinta 3)
    2. Students must have a TOEFL (ITP/International) score of at least 500 or an IELTS score of 6.0.
  7. The title obtained by Bachelor of International Relations graduates is S.H.Int.
  8. There are 3 entry routes to the International Relations study program, namely:
    1. The NSBA route (National Selection Based on Achievement) uses report card scores and other achievements in academic and non-academic fields
    2. The NSBT pathway (National Selection Based on Tests) uses scores from the Computer Based Written Examination (CBWE)
    3. Independent Selection Pathway (Unpad Entrance Selection)
    4. Test Score Path
    5. Achievement Based Admission
    6. International Class Route