Enlightening Leadership and Integrity Training for Excellence or can be know as ELITE is a program organized by the Department of Internal and Organizational Development, a really fun work program that exists to provide new understanding and experience to members of BPH Hima HI FISIP Unpad regarding issues that are the main concerns members of BPH Hima HI FISIP Unpad while working at the organization. The ELITE activity itself was carried out by inviting alumni from previous members of BPH Hima HI FISIP Unpad to become resource persons who would share their experiences while being members of BPH in the previous year.

Company Visit Career Day

Company Visit Career Day is a collaborative work program between the Department of Entrepreneurship and the Department of External Relations, the Daily Management Body of the International Relations Student Association, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Padjadjaran University (BPH Hima HI FISIP Unpad). This activity is aimed at facilitating the International Relations student association to learn and find out directly from the source about the work environment they will be involved in and aims to make the participants better prepared to face the world of work. Moreover, Company Visit Career Day is also intended for participants to find out more about the role of companies as supporters of global economic development and gain an understanding of how these companies continue to develop and dynamically keep up with the times.

External Visit

“External Visit” is a work program that aims to provide real experience to International Relations students and help them understand the role of diplomacy in various relevant international issues. Furthermore, the existence of the External Visit seeks to broaden the horizons and understanding of International Relations students regarding various international issues. Every year, this program takes a different theme and visits various institutions related to that theme. The purpose is to provide students with deeper insight into the role of International Relations in various fields, such as the environment, tourism, education and culture.

In 2021, the focus will be the environment, with speakers from the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Switzerland, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, and Greenpeace. This program is carried out online via video conference. In 2022, this program will discuss tourism by visiting the Spanish Embassy and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia. Students can understand the role of tourism in bilateral relations between countries. In 2023, this program will focus on educational and cultural issues by visiting the Ministry of National Development Planning and the Japanese Embassy. The aim is to understand the role of “soft diplomacy” in enhancing international cooperation in this field.


The 2023 International Relations Children’s Work (KAR-IR) is a collaborative innovative program between the Department of Arts and the Department of Entrepreneurship of the Student Executive Board (BPH HIMA HI FISIP Unpad). This event represents an artistic workshop guided by credible speakers, focusing on the theme of Combining Business and Honing Hard Skills in the Field of Arts. Its primary objective is to facilitate discussions and workshop sessions among International Relations students on trending artistic topics.

Beyond serving as a platform for artistic learning, KAR-IR also aims to foster entrepreneurial interest by inviting relevant artists and entrepreneurs to conduct talk shows and provide guidance during the workshop sessions. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas on business matters through a Q&A session moderated by the Master of Ceremonies (MC).

Kajian Tematik

“Kajian Tematik” represents a structured and formally conducted seminar event hosted by the Research and Science Department of BPH Hima HI FISIP Unpad. These seminars are dedicated to in-depth discussions surrounding contemporary issues and subjects directly linked to the field of International Relations. “Kajian Tematik” serves a dual purpose as a platform for the exchange of ideas and as a conduit for delivering reliable knowledge and profound insights. At the core of “Kajian Tematik” are esteemed experts and seasoned practitioners who stand as prominent figures in the realm of international relations. These individuals are carefully chosen to ensure their relevance to the topics at hand, thereby providing students with valuable perspectives and expertise. Beyond being mere informational sessions, “Kajian Tematik” aims to foster a vibrant and interactive environment where knowledge flows freely.


NGASO (Ngariung Soal…) is a pioneering solution to address the pressing need for an open and inclusive culture of scientific discourse. It aims to foster a dynamic environment where scientific discussions are accessible to the general public and stands as a platform dedicated to the promotion of inclusive scientific dialogues. One of its core objective is to ensure that scientific discussions are not confined to exclusive circles but rather become a shared experience for everyone. NGASO is also here to showcase the opinions and the broad knowledge from experts that are known for their competence and credibility in their respective fields, particularly within the realm of international relations. The platform is meticulously designed to cultivate an environment conducive to spirited discussions on pressing international relations topics. These discussions involve active participation from both the experts as the guest and engaged participants. NGASO’s ultimate objective is to empower participants with a broader and more profound understanding of the complex dynamics in international relations. Through these events, attendees are not only exposed to diverse viewpoints but also encouraged to actively contribute their perspectives, ensuring a well-rounded discourse.


The absence of a platform to harness the creative potential of HI Unpad students in academic paper writing has given rise to the Aesthete Pre-Event: IR-Ticles. This initiative has been established to nurture students’ creativity and paper-writing skills while providing them with a platform to compete on a national stage. The core of this endeavor is a writing competition combined with paper presentations, all centered around the theme of International Relations. Furthermore, the research papers produced during this competition will find a home in an indexed journal database. The significance of IR-Ticles in 2023 is underscored by its aim to enhance the reputation of HI UNPAD, marking the first-ever national-scale paper competition organized by BPH HIMA HI Unpad. Beyond the boundaries of HI UNPAD, IR-Ticles serves as a forum for students from universities across Indonesia to engage in scholarly competition and contribute to the field of International Relations. This event symbolizes the commitment to academic excellence and knowledge sharing, embodying the spirit of intellectual exploration and growth.

Temu Desa

Temu Desa is a community service program conducted openly by HI Unpad students in villages in the Jatinangor area, and is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Desa, especially in the environmental aspect which is in accordance with the 15th SDGs Desa point, “Desa Peduli Lingkungan Darat (Village cares about the land environment)” and in the educational aspect which is in accordance with the 4th SDGs Desa point, “Pendidikan Desa Berkualitas (Quality village education)”. The program that we implement is broadly divided into two forms of activities, namely HI-Ling (HI Lingkungan) in the form of intelligence and workshop in an effort to overcome or at least minimize environmental problems that occur actually in society; and Marooners Mengajar di Sekolah (MAJALAH), which focuses on curriculum development and English language teaching for elementary school age children. This program is expected to involve external parties that are relevant to the objectives of the program and the conditions of the community so that later they can assist in the implementation of this program to the fullest. As a form of implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, especially the ‘pengabdian kepada masyarakat’ point, the Temu Desa program is present to accommodate HI Unpad students to be able to contribute directly to the community, especially rural communities in Jatinangor area.  Through the Temu Desa program, it is hoped that a caring, innovative, and leadership attitude will emerge that can bring good changes for students and the community.