Over the period of 2021 to 2023, 47 students from the International Relations Department have actively participated in international student exchange programs, showcasing their commitment to fostering global perspectives and cross-cultural understanding.

The majority of these students have engaged in the Indonesian International Student Mobility program, along with several other impactful exchange initiatives. The International Relations Department celebrates these students for their dedication to embracing diverse experiences and learning opportunities on the global stage.

The department expresses pride in the achievements of these students, recognizing their role as ambassadors of cultural exchange and academic exploration. The students’ active involvement in international exchange programs reflects their eagerness to broaden their horizons and contribute to a global community.

With a focus on knowledge transfer and societal impact, the department encourages returning students to apply the insights gained during their international experiences to benefit local communities. The emphasis is on cultivating a global mindset that goes beyond academic boundaries and prepares students to become proactive contributors to positive societal change.

As the students reintegrate into campus life, the International Relations Department looks forward to the diverse perspectives and enriched understanding they bring back, contributing to the dynamic and culturally vibrant atmosphere of the academic community. This achievement underscores the department’s commitment to providing students with opportunities for holistic development in an increasingly interconnected world.